Tag: How To

Posted on 08/18/2019
De-Clutter and Donate
The time has come to go through and clear what has become clutter in your own home. Hopefully, you can give the items more life and someone else the opportunity to have the use of these items. After all one man’s trash is another man’s treasure right? The answer is maybe not. There are some things that donation...
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Posted on 08/04/2019
Protect Yourself Online
We risk being hacked every day. This risk can expose our financial, retail, and personal online accounts to intruders for malicious use, so it is important to be able to identify weak points and know how to protect them. Know your email inbox. Email is a potential area for malicious behavior to occur. Do not open emails from...
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Posted on 03/31/2019
Options for Custom Education
Homeschooling has been a growing educational option in the last decade or so. The possibilities for homeschooling at all grade levels have significantly increased in recent years due to both demand and easy access to the internet. Although each state differs on the guidelines and requirements for students, homeschoolers have a lot of choices on how they get...
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Posted on 03/24/2019
Preventing Termite Destruction in Your House
It's no news that termites and white ants cause severe damages to the home. They might attack your house in no time. Hence, termite control has become one of the necessities to prevent the termites from invading your house. Some people control termites by using chemicals in residential areas or working places, where they can survive and breathe....
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Posted on 03/11/2019
Open House Etiquette - How to Make the Most of Your Visit
Buyers new to the housing market often don’t know where to start their search. In fact, sometimes they don’t even know for certain in which community they want to make their home. Even knowing the type of house-style they want is a mystery. If they’re the first in their family to own property, narrowing down choices seems monumental....
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